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Backing Tracks
Chapter 1: The Blues Scale
G Blues Scale (played up the center G string)
G Blues Scale (played up the center G string with a forward roll)
G Blues Scale (played up the bottom D string)
G Blues Scale (played up the bottom D string with a backward roll)
G Blues Scale (played up the B string)
G Blues Scale (played up the B string with a forward roll)
Closed Position Blues Scale (index finger on root note)
Chapter 2: The Blues Chords
Root Position Major To Dominant Chords (G to G7, C to C7, D to D7)
12 Bar Blues In G (using root position dominant chords)
1st Inversion Major To Dominant Chords (G to G7, C to C7, D to D7)
12 Bar Blues In G (using 1st inversion dominant chords)
2nd Inversion Major To Dominant Chords (G to G7, C to C7, D to D7)
12 Bar Blues In G (using 2nd inversion dominant chords)
12 Bar Blues In G (using inversions closest to root position G)
12 Bar Blues In G (using inversions closest to 1st inversion G)
12 Bar Blues In G (using inversions closest to 2nd inversion G)
12 Bar Blues In G (using all inversions)
Chapter 3: Solo Licks
Bluegrass To Blues Licks
Blues Lick Combinations
Blues Guitar Licks Transformed Into Banjo Licks
Chapter 4: Turnarounds
Chapter 5: Putting It All Together
Example 2 - "Walk Before You Run"